Day 1 :
Keynote Forum
Amirmohammad Bahaaddini
Keynote: Effect of foot reflexology on pain, fatigue, and quality of sleep after kidney transplantation surgery: A parallel randomized controlled trial
Time : 10:00-10:30

Amirmohammad Bahaaddini is an undergraduate student of nursing at Kerman university of medical sciences, it's been over a year that I entered nursing student research committee, prior to that I was interested in research so I started my first research project named "Investigation the use of complementary and alternative medicine and its association with sexual function and quality of life among prostate cancer patients referred to oncology centers in Kerman, in 2020" and after that I participated in national COVID-19 vaccination Monitoring project in Iran and I was active in data collection section of this national project in Kerman, Iran in different vaccination centers and later on I participated in case's weekly follow up in this project.
Amirmohammad Bahaaddini is an undergraduate student of nursing at Kerman university of medical sciences, it's been over a year that I entered nursing student research committee, prior to that I was interested in research so I started my first research project named "Investigation the use of complementary and alternative medicine and its association with sexual function and quality of life among prostate cancer patients referred to oncology centers in Kerman, in 2020" and after that I participated in national COVID-19 vaccination Monitoring project in Iran and I was active in data collection section of this national project in Kerman, Iran in different vaccination centers and later on I participated in case's weekly follow up in this project.
Keynote Forum
Homayoon Kazemy
Keynote: Psychosomatic symptoms in terminally ill cancer patients and its relation with using complementary and alternative medicines: a cross-sectional study in Southeast Iran

Homayoon Kazemy is an undergraduate student of nursing at Kerman university of medical sciences, it's been over a year that he has entered nursing student research committee, prior to that he was interested in research, so he started his first research project named "Investigation the use of complementary and alternative medicine and its association with sexual function and quality of life among prostate cancer patients referred to oncology centers in Kerman, in 2020.
Keynote Forum
Mohammad Hossein Fattahi
Keynote: Iranian nurses’ experiences with sexual harassment in workplace: A qualitative study

Mohammad Hossein Fattahi Toqroljerdi is an undergraduate student of nursing at Kerman university of medical sciences, it's been over a year that he has entered nursing student research committee, prior to that he was interested in research so he started his first research project named "Investigation the use of complementary and alternative medicine and its association with sexual function and quality of life among prostate cancer patients referred to oncology vaccination in 2020" and after that he participated in national COVID-19 vaccination Monitoring project in Iran and he was active in data collection section of this national project in Kerman, Iran in different vaccination centers and later on he participated in case's weekly follow up in this project. Also, he Presented “Effectiveness of Virtual Resilience Training on Assertiveness in Student Girls Aged 9–10 Years: A 1-Month Follow-Up” at International E-Conference on Pediatrics and Neonatology on April 25, 2022.
Keynote Forum
Roman Tarabrin
Keynote: Spiritual counseling for infertile persons in orthodox Christianity

Roman Tarabrin is a researcher of Privolzhsky Research Medical University (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia), an assistant professor of Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Moscow, Russia), working within the project of the Russian Science Foundation ‘Problems of bioethics in the historical context and socio-cultural dynamics of society’ (â„– 18-78-10018). He has his expertise in ethics of reproductive technologies. Counseling of religious infertile couples, he created approaches to ethical dilemmas within the religious community that can be extrapolated for an interdisciplinary analysis of the provisions of various ethical systems as compared to a religious understanding of human continuation in the postmodern. The Russian experience of interaction between religious and secular systems of ethics, analyzed by the author, provides significant impetus to the development of a bioethical health agenda in a multireligious and multicultural society from a global perspective
Keynote Forum
Osama Jabr Emad
Keynote: Effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy in reinforcing positive adaption among patients with substance use disorders in the Gaza Strip

Osama Jabr Emad completed Phd in clinical psychology. Current Job is Head training and psychosocial programmes department Head of psychiatry research and his research and interests are cognitive behavior therapy, positive adaption; substance use disorders.
Background: Substance use disorders (SUDs) are a serious threat to health and society, focusing on the positive personality traits of the addict and reinforcing them through the CBT program is an important factor in addiction treatment.
Objectives: The study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) in reinforcing positive adaption among patients with SUBs in Gaza Strip.
Methods: The experimental design was used; 30 male Participants were distributed randomly into two groups: experimental and control (n = 15) per group. Both groups received the standard treatment, while only the experimental group undergoes the CBT program consisting of (16) sessions over 2 months. All of the subjects completed a positive adaption questionnaire before and after the intervention, and 2 months later (follow-up). The required data were collected and analyzed.

Zamira Imeraj is a Lecturer at the University of Medicine Tirana Albania. She has a doctorate in nursing sciences. She is the author of lecture series for nursing students and has published articles in journals and conferences on nursing care.
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to describe the role of nursing staff in patients receiving chemotherapy in the oncology hospital. Nurses have knowledge and attitudes regarding the preparation, routes of administration and side effects of medications that these patients use during chemotherapy.
Method: The study was conducted in the period April-May 2022. The data were collected through a self-administered questionnaire that was completed by patients with various cancers who underwent chemotherapy at the Oncology Hospital in Tirana.
Results: In this study participated 50 patients n=50. Their age ranged from 47 to 65 years. 90% of respondents were female and 10% were male. 25 patients had breast cancer, 15 patients had uterine cancer, 5 patients with lung cancer and 5 patients with stomach cancer. The largest number of these patients express that they feel comfortable during the service received in oncology.
Conclusion: In the results obtained from the study through patient questionnaires we conclude that 85% of patients were satisfied with the service and nursing role offered in oncology while receiving chemotherapy, answering questions that nurses had the right skills to give chemotherapy and proper education given to patients about the side effects of chemotherapy, 15% of these patients admitted that they were afraid for life and saw chemotherapy as the only alternative and were dissatisfied with life but did not comment on the role that There is nursing in this service. Also this study shows us that we need more information about chemotherapy in cancer patients to increase your self-confidence for the healing and life of these patients. The nursing role is very important for these patients because most of it spend most of their time in the hospital with the nursing staff.
Keynote Forum
Basem M. Bakeer
Keynote: Challenges among nurses working at governmental community Mental Health Centers in Gaza Governorates

Psychiatric nurse “Baccalaureate nursing degree, community mental health nursing "Master degree"” Lecturer and clinical instructor at the University college for applied science for nursing students. Clinical instructor at the Islamic university of Gaza. Lecturer and clinical instructor at Al-Quds university. Clinical instructor at Al-Aqsa university.
Nowadays, nursing is still one of the human professions that deal with man from all aspects of physical, psychological, social and spiritual, and on this basis, the development and progress in this profession is essential and continuous to suit the requirements of various stages and with rapid development in all areas of life. The aim of this study is to investigate the challenges among those nurses who work at governmental community mental health centers, (MOH) in Gaza Strip. This is a descriptive, cross sectional study was performed from February to April 2019, at governmental community mental health centers in Gaza strip for 22 nurses who participated voluntarily in this study. The revised professional practice environment scale (RPPES) was distributed to the participants during interview with other specific questions and some socio-demographic variables, The questionnaire was divided into seven domains. After that the data was collected, analyzed by (SPSS, V.22) and the final results of the study showed the distribution of the nurses in governmental community mental health centers during 2019, The management and leadership issues which was 53%, which have great effects on the work process among the nurses, which considered one of the challenges that can face which help in facilitating the nurses works, The importance of handling information about cases had 62.1%, which considered one of the challenges during the nursing practice at community mental health centers. Also, appeared that conflicts and methods of solutions for the problems at the work practice at community mental health centers considered one of the challenges that can affect on the work performance and practice among nurses which had 44.5%, All staff work hard to arrive at the best possible solution, with 36.4% highly agreed. The researchers concluded that maintaining a healthy and supportive work environment has a dual effect. Positive work environments improve the quality patient care and nurses’ satisfaction with their work. The ï¬ndings of the study suggest that the community environments place different demands on the nursing staff, and this should be considered when organizing nursing services to avoid negative outcomes for both patients and nurses.
Keynote Forum
Kimberley Ryan
Keynote: Kritik: A peer review platform for undergraduate psychiatric nursing education

Kimberley is expertise in undergraduate psychiatric nursing education spans more than three decades while concurrently engaged in active clinical practice initially as a front line psychiatric nurse and later in Administrative/Management capacity as an Evening Supervisor at the Brandon Regional Health Centre. Kimberley currently offers Equine Assisted Psychotherapy services through not-for-profit, private practice.
Kritik is a novel, on-line platform developed for the purpose of facilitating peer-to-peer learning and evaluation. It aims to integrate the use Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning to promote further critical thinking skill development in leaners.
Registered Psychiatric Nursing in Canada is a unique, distinct domain of nursing, recognized only within the four western provinces. As with any other nursing profession, critical thinking is an essential entry level psychiatric nursing profession competency.
With involvement in undergraduate psychiatric nursing education for nearly three decades, this study’s researcher is passionate about pedagogy that encourages active learning for the purpose of critical thinking facilitation. Previously attempts, five years ago, to implement peer review in a 4th year psychiatric nursing course failed miserably with students becoming mutinous, complaining that they were expected to do the teacher’s job. The researcher was encouraged strongly by administration to adjust pedagogy to meet the demands of students.
In 2021, an announcement about piloting Kritik caught the researcher’s attention. Subsequently, the researcher agreed to pilot Kritik in fall 2021 term and winter 2022 term undergraduate psychiatric nursing courses. Based on student learning outcomes associated with the Kritik pilot, the researcher intends to use Kritik as a pedagogical approach in two courses; one an entry level and the other a 4th year course, this coming Fall 2022 term.
This presentation is based on quantitative findings of research conducted over two years with different students registered in two psychiatric nursing education courses. Use of peer review in undergraduate psychiatric nursing education is highlighted, with a particular focus on feedback from students who participated in the peer review process as part of their required course work. Additionally, pedagogical lessons learned will be shared.
Keynote Forum
Omar M Lattouf
Keynote: Impact of digital transformation on health education and delivery

Omar M Lattouf is a Professor of Cardiovascular Surgery at Icahn School pf Medicine, New York, USA. His research and interest are cognitive behavior therapy, positive adaption, substance use disorders.
In the last three years, our world has drastically changed. And so have the healthcare needs, requirements, education and training. Physicians and nurses have had to discover and adapt to new ways of practicing patient care delivery, as well as keeping up with the continuing educational requirements.
Multiple factors have finally propelled healthcare education and practice to join, at times reluctantly, the overarching digital transformative process that has been sweeping other industries over the last few decades.
Key contributors and driving forces that have energized the entry of healthcare education and practices to full-force entry into the digital transformative phase, are Covid-19, the Federal Government allowing tele-health, patients’ preferences, third party payers and more to .
The roles of major universities, large technology companies, and the expanding roles of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are examined.
The projected future developments are predicted to continue to be substantial, sweeping, and forcing changes that are unprecedented. Thus, academicians and practitioners should be alerted to what the rapidly changing landscape is likely to become and accordingly take steps to manage and preserve their roles or risk be left behind or worse be forced out.