Hande DAG
Adnan Menderes University Faculty of Nursing, Turkey
Title: A qualitative study to determine the effects of the stressors experienced by infertile women according to neuman systems model (NSM)
Biography: Hande DAG
This study was performed by using qualitative and phenomonological research methods and aimed to determine the stressors experienced by infertile women, the effects of identified stressors and the responses given to this stressors according to Neuman Systems Model (NSM) through in-depth interviews. Qualitative and phenomonological research method were used in this study. This research was carried out with volunteer 15 primer infertile women who were experienced treatment failures and choosen according to homogeneous and criterial purposive sampling methods by using in-depth interviews in Infertility Research and Practice Center (IRPC) of an university hospital from December 2012 to 2013. Participants received an informed consent forms before interviews were conducted. In data analyzing, content analysis method and Nvivo 10 software programme were used. The stressors which were experienced by infertil women were divided into two groups such as Internal and External stressors and their effects on women were investigated in Core Response group. Inside the Internal Stressors group Intrapersonal Stressors which contain 11 sub-themes were found. In External Stressors Group such as main themes of Interpersonal Stressors and Extrapersonal Stressors were determined. Interpersonal Stressors contain 4 and Extrapersonal Stressors contain 7 sub-themes. Certain themes for Core Response Group such as Psychological Reactions, Physical Reactions and Defense Mechanisms themes were determined. Using NSM in this classification was found appropriate. Nurses should use this classification to evaluate the stressors of infertil women and care them in this direction.