Sevgi Turkmen
Celal Bayar University, Turkey
Title: Determınatıon of the level of exposıtıon to mobbing of health employees working in a medıcal faculty hospıtal
Biography: Sevgi Turkmen
Introduction: It is a workplace issue that psychological harassment in the workplace, which is extremely harmful and devastating consequences for workers and a major source of stressful work environment. With the start of the process of psychological harassment in the workplace, various groups are affected by this process. The most affected part of the process, the side exposed to harassment. However, institutions and colleagues of the victims along with aggravation and the process of progress can be affected Objective: This study was conducted in order to determine the perception of psychological harassment cases at the workplace of assistant doctors and nurses which are work in Celal Bayar University Hafsa Sultan Hospital Materials and Methods: The target population of the study is the assistant doctors and nurses working in Hafsa Sultan Celal Bayar University. The sample space of the study consists of 110 staff members accepting to participate in the study between the dates October 2014-January 2016. The date is collected through an information form and Workspace Mobbing Scale. Percentage, T-test, mann whitney U test, kruskal wallis test are used in the evaluation of data. Result: 110 health employees have participated in the study. The ageaverage age of the participants is 29.92 ± 5.47, 73.6 percent female, 60.9 percent nurse/midwife, 32.7 percent assistant doctors, 59.1 percent were married, 46.4 percent were undergraduate, 38.0 percent graduate and post graduate, 61.8 percent income balanced. 26.4 percent of the employees weree xposed to mobbing cases. The employees that needed psychological consulting due to the hostile behaviours they experiend is 22.5 percent. To the question “do you feel being a victim of psychological mobbing 16.9 percent of the staff responded positively and 18.3 percent had stated that they had no opinion. 13.6 percent of those exposed to mobbing from 6 months to 11 months were exposed to mobbing, 21.8 percent stated that Mobbing applied to themselves by 3 or more people. 42.7 percent of health workers stated that they witnessed mobbing applied to someone else. The employees that needed psychological consulting due to the hostile behaviours they experiend is 24.5 percent. Health employees which is psychological support needed and high the level of education in the study has been determined to be higher. The difference was statistically significant p <0.05. In order to prevent or stop mobbing it is necessary to understand the esence of the issue. Consequently the duties of the employees must be well defined and the irresponsibilities must be obvious. An consistent and coherent employee policy must be defined which states the expected behaviours and ethical standarts.