Yu-Ying Chen
Fooyin University, Taiwan
Title: Integrative review of Taiwanese literature on spiritual nursing care
Biography: Yu-Ying Chen
This article presents an integrative review of the literature on spiritual nursing care in Taiwan from 2010 to 2015. The results identified that the amount of qualitative and quantitative research is approximately half of the sample of major studies on nursing. The sample includes studies on promoting spiritual nursing in the workplace; exploring the perceptions of nurses and nursing students toward spiritual care, patients with terminal cancer, and the elderly population; and developing and testing spiritual scales. However, only one study covered the application of spiritual nursing intervention in patients. On the basis of the literature review, the authors proposed five future directions for spiritual nursing care in Taiwan: enhancing the development and study of spiritual care skills, establishing an evidence-based spiritual care model, promoting the study of spiritual nursing intervention in patients, spreading spiritual nursing care applied to the workplace, and cultivating spiritual care as the basic level of nursing education.