Khon Kaen University, Thailand
Title: KKU FHA tool try out program on the capacities of PCU nurses in Kulonprogo, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Biography: Suwarno
Family can influence the family health and illness of the family members and also family nursing process especially in family health assessment. Assessing the family health is not only from the assessment tool but also from a Nurse. Nurses’ have to increasing their capacities (knowledge, skills and experiences) about family health assessment by continuing nursing education especially try out program. The aim of this study is to determine the KKU FHA Tool try out program to improving nurses capacities in Primary Care Unit Kulonprogo, Yogyakarta. The Quasi Experiment with one group pre-, post-test design as a research design with convenience sampling technique for Nurses who work in five PCU Kulonprogo, Yogyakarta as much as ten respondents. The research processes was used try out program with module, video and handbook KKU FHA Tool, KKU FHA tool form and capacities questionnaires. It was analysed by descriptive data, Kolmogorov-smirnov and Paired Sample t-test. The mean level of nurses capacities before and after try out program is knowledge pre- (3.450.283) and post- (3.920.332) with p value 0.002. Second is mean of nurses skills pre- (3.400.320) and post- (4.130.346) with p value 0.002. Third is mean of nurses experiences pre- (3.550.586) and post- (4.280.234) with p value 0.011. Finally, the results of paired sample t-test shown that mean pre-test is 3.370.304 and post test 3.970.268 with p-value = 0.002. We are recommend try out about KKU FHA Tool form have to develop and implement in another PCU in Yogyakarta by training program.