Adeviye AYDIN
Hacettepe University, Turkey
Title: Male nursing students’ profession perception styles: A qualitative study
Biography: Adeviye AYDIN
The aim of this study was to determine the perception style of the profession of male nursing students by using phenomenological approach. The study was carried out with 6 male nursing students. Students attended by voluntary policy criteria; three of them were second year and the others were third year students. Because of clinical experiences of nursing students begin at the second year of the nursing education, selection of attended students were made from second year. Study data were collected with student data form and semi structured interviews. After data collection process completed, interview texts read several times by researcher and determined the appropriate theme titles. These titles were made within the scope of analyses and assessments. Themes which were emerged from the analysis of data: traditional masculinism, profession choice and future plans. By the traditional masculinism theme participants were mostly stated that they are usually used for works which require strength in the clinic. In the choice of nursing profession theme, the reasons that the participants choosing this profession have been determined. Economic conditions, interested in health field and indispensability of choosing department according to university exam results are these reasons. The number of male students in nursing is less than girls’ so it has been determined some difference attitudes towards male students. These differences are especially about relationships of male students’ with the teachers. In nursing education, trainers approaches shouldn’t display priority and pressure to male students. Male students should be provided to express themselves without any concern