Mahmoud Magdi
Mansoura University School of Medicine, Egypt
Title: Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) : Awareness and knowledge among Mansoura university students : A field study
Biography: Mahmoud Magdi
Background: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus(MRSA) is a strain of Staphylococcus Aureus that has developed resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics and thus is considerably dangerous. Aim(s)/Objective(s): To evaluate the current level of knowledge of MRSA among medical students and para medical students given that health workers are vulnerable to catching the disease. Also to raise awareness of the risk factors for MRSA infection and the protective measures individuals and institutions can take. Method: This is a field study carried in the campus of the Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura, Egypt. A stand has been divided into: a pre-survey, an awareness station and a post-survey. Students were asked to participate in the survey and were handed the pre-survey questionnaire. The students were asked to identify their gender, area of study and level of education. The questionnaire addressed basic facts about MRSA and how to prevent it, its route of transmission, risk of morbidity and mortality, treatments available and countries afflicted. The next station was an awareness station where a talk was given to students about MRSA in small groups. Brochures and educational videos were shown to them. Last station was post-survey; which had the same questionnaire as pre-survey. Results were collected and analysed Results Out of 674 students surveyed, 534 acknowledged the prevention measures needed to prevent MRSA. 620 even knew how to diagnose it roughly by learning more about its complications. Moreover, after the post survey 545 students knew how to effectively attempt treating the MRSA. Discussion, and/or Conclusion: Involving health care workers through awareness to follow infection control measures to limit developing the spread of MRSA in hospital settings.