Svetlana Kostronina
Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia
Title: Personality structure of future medical staff
Biography: Svetlana Kostronina
Personality structure of a professional is a system of interrelated individual characteristics which determine peculiarities of their behaviour typical of various situations. As a rule, in the course of studies, professional development outpaces personal development. Specialists starting work turn out to be immature, which affects the quality of their work and relationships with others. Our research is aimed at studying personality structure of future nurses (240 first-, second- and third-year students, aged 18-21). The methods of the research are: «Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire» (16PF - 105-С) by R.B. Cattell, Plutchik-Kellerman-Konte technique (Life Style Index), Milton Rokeach’s technique «Value Survey» (RVS). It was found out that low scores on factors F (restraint М1=4.41, σ=1.76; М2=4.57, σ=2.03; М3=4.30, σ=2.09) and N (straightforwardness М1=4.31, σ=1.72; М2=4.54, σ=1.8; М3=3.85, σ=1.27) are common characteristics of future nurses. At the same time, delicacy and the ability to empathize (М1=6.11, σ=1.91) characteristic of 1st-year students are replaced by greater toughness (М1=6.11, σ=1.91) and straightforwardness (М2=4.54, σ=1.8) in their 2nd year. By the 3rd year, a decrease in self-esteem (М3=4.00) and an increase in suspicion (М3=5.19) can be clearly traced. Among psychological defences, projection dominates in all respondents. But evidently, 3rd-year students use such psychological defences as repression (М3=36.7) and regression (М2=51.3) more often. In personality structure, a high level of ambitions decreases self-esteem and has an inverse relationship (р=0.03) with such qualities as responsibility, diligence and consideration. Graduates’ orientation towards materially secure life is interrelated (р=0.01) with greater relaxation, calmness, emotional maturity, realistic attitudes and stable interests.