Hui-Tzu Huang
Chung Hwa University of Medical Technology, Taiwan
Title: Risk factors for mortality in hospitalized elderly patients at 6 months after discharge
Biography: Hui-Tzu Huang
Background:As the population ages, the percentage of elderly hospitalized patients also increases. In Taiwan, 26.93% of hospitalized patients consist of the elderly population. However, the literature pays low attention to physical functional change and mortality for hospitalized elderly patients after discharge in Taiwan. Purpose: (1) To explore the incidence rate of mortality in hospitalized elderly patients at 6 months after discharge. (2) To explore the risk factors for mortality in hospitalized elderly patients at 6 months after discharge. Methods:A cohort study design and convenience sampling were used at a medical center in southern Taiwan. The subjects should be hospitalized and 65 and over will be recruited. The tools used for data collection include, demographic data sheet, geriatric syndrome, modified Katz activities of daily living, instrumental activities of daily living, mini-mental status examination, geriatric depression scale and Charlson comorbidity index. Each participant will be collected data and follow survival condition until 6 months after discharge by telephone. Results: A total of three hundred and eight (308) participants met the inclusion criteria. Thirty-seven participants died until 6 months after discharge. Mortality rate was 12%. Cox regression found that body mass index, two weeks before admission in IADL score, and CCI could significantly predict mortality six months after discharge. Implications for Practice: Predictors of mortality included IADL score two weeks before admission, body mass index, and comorbidities. Clinical nurses can integrate the findings of this study and apply Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment to tailor intervention during hospitalization to prevent older patient’s functional decline and early mortality after 6 months discharge.