Samar Ibrahem
Tel Aviv University, Israel
Title: The phenomenon of Nargila smoking among nursing students
Biography: Samar Ibrahem
Background: Smoking tobacco in a nargila (water pipe) is an increasingly serious phenomenon among young people in Israel, and is considered to have a negative effect on health. The literature that has been published reports a connection between smoking tobacco in a Nargila and the incidence of cancer of the mouth, bronchi, lungs, esophagus, and stomach. Mortality due to Nargila smoking is greater than due to cigarette smoking. Nursing students in Israel have the characteristic health behavior of young people like themselves. Nursing students smoke tobacco in a Nargila despite the knowledge they have acquired in the course of their studies. Aims: To assess the effect of the professional knowledge acquired in the course of nursing studies on the scope of Nargila smoking among students and on their attitudes towards health behaviors. Method: The research tool consisted three elements: social health behavior, knowledge and attitudes towards Nargila smoking, and demographic data. Results: 601 nursing students (75.5% females, 24.4% males, age mean 24.7 sd 3.5) participated. A connection between smoking water pipe and women students in the nursing program studies was found c²(2) 51.7750; p = .00000 and a connection between water pipe smoking and cigarette smoking c²(2) 51.7750; p = .00000 There was a relatively very high frequency of Nargila smoking among immigrants from the former Soviet Union, despite the fact it is a rare phenomenon in their country of origin. Conclusion: The role of the registered nurse in promoting health required a broad and in depth knowledge of health issues. The adoption of positive attitudes towards health behaviors, and personally following these behaviors will increase their ability to influence those around them.