Sule Cinakli
Adnan Menderes University, Turkey
Title: The relationship between personality traits and premenstrual syndrome prevalence on students of health high schools
Biography: Sule Cinakli
The purpose of this research is determining the relationship between personality traits and premenstrual syndrome prevalence on students in nursing, midwifery and nutrition and dietetics departments of Aydin Health High schools. This research which was planned as cross-sectional, covers 490 students who are studying these three departments students who were at school and accepted to join the research that day which this survey has been done, created the working group. To collect the data, questionnaire which questioned on sociodemographic characteristics of the students, Premenstural Syndrome Evaluation Scale and Basic Personality Traits Scale has been used. For this research, prevalence of premenstrual syndrome is 57.1%. Premenstrual Syndrome is more frequent for those who lives in rural areas, who has chronic diseases, who has menstrual pains and who uses alcohol and tobacco products. The most frequent indications are strain, unknown origin unhappiness, tension or distention on breasts, headache, stomach distention, distention or gaining weight sensation as shoes, clothes or rings become narrower, feeling tired or lazy or losing energy. The methods for handling with premenstrual syndrome are using pain killers, keeping the stomach warm or using herbal teas, respectively. It has been seen that premenstrual syndrome prevalence is increasing as emotional incoherence or negative mood; as well as they become less extrovert or more irresponsible. According to those findings, to make students able to handle with premenstrual syndrome more effectively, preparing such programs like health education, guidance and psychological counseling also, guiding properly according to personality qualifications with an healthy diet and practice advices, might be useful.