Chang Gung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Title: Use of systematic literature review to investigate the effectiveness of E-health management for glycemic control of teenagers with T1DM
Biography: Li-Chen,Hung
With the widespread convenience of internet and extension of service range, the development of internet-based provision of health management model has become the currently most convenient choric illness management model for improving learners’ self-control. This model of operational independence and decision-making is also popular with teenagers. This study used systematic literature review to investigate the application of E-health management for glycemic control of teenagers with T1DM. This study searched 6 electronic databases from 1995 to December 2015. After screening the studies according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, this study used modified Jadad scale to evaluate literature quality. The research subjects were mainly teenagers with T1DM whose HbA1c was higher than 8.0%, and their average age was from 12.3 (SD = 1.1) to 15.9 (SD = 2.9). The research results showed that, E-health management did not have a statistically significant influence on the decrease in HbA1c. However, diabetes self-care and problem solving abilities of participants in the experimental group improved significantly, which significantly improved their self-efficacy and quality of life. The research results showed that, diabetes care knowledge and emotional stress problem-solving program offered by E-health management intervention could improve the psychosocial functions of teenagers with T1DM. However, the effectiveness for indices, such as online registration and frequencies of self-monitoring of blood glucose, diet, and execution of insulin therapy is unclear. Future studies may add warning system to motivate patients to take actions, in order to improve the effectiveness for glycemic control