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Cris Renata Grou Volpe

Cris Renata Grou Volpe

University of Brasilia, Brazil

Title: Nursing diagnoses associated of depression indices and capacity mental in elderly people in a geriatric ambulatory clinic of Brazil


Biography: Cris Renata Grou Volpe


The present study aimed to identify the most prevalent nursing diagnoses in elderly patients in a geriatric outpatient clinic in the Federal District, Brazil, according to NANDA Taxonomy II relating them to the depression and mental scales. This is a descriptive, observational study of 40 elderly people over 65 years attended at the geriatric clinic. Data collection took place in March 2010 for 60 days. The scales of EDG and MEEM were used. The Pearson's chi-square were used for associations and the significance level of p <0.05. The Geriatric Depression Scale (EDG) and the Mental State Mini Exam (MMSE) were used. This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Health Department of the Federal District. The most prevalent nursing diagnoses were: disturbed sensory perception; decreased cardiac output; Impaired dentition; Impaired memory; Risk of falls and insomnia. The indexes of depressive symptoms by EDG were 35% and the cognitive alterations by the MEEM were 60%. There is a significant association between social isolation, risk of loneliness, chronic sadness and hopelessness in relation to the depression indexes demonstrated by the scale. SDs significantly associated with cognitive impairment by MMSE were: poor knowledge and impaired memory. Older people tend to have cognitive deficits and depressive symptoms, especially older ones, and dependence on how much wings activities of daily living. The most prevalent related factor with impaired memory was excessive environmental changes and poor cognition was cognitive limitation.