Phan Thi Dzung
Viet Duc University Hospital, Vietnam
Phan Thi Dzung have been working at Viet Duc University Hospital for 35 years, 27 years experience in Operating Theater Nurse and 10 years of ORs head nurse, 8 years of Hospital chief nurse. The current, I am working at Education and Training Center. Having completed a Master of Hospital Management programme in 2012 and PhD of Public Healthat in 2016 at Hanoi University of Public Health (HUPH). I have had several articles published in well-reputed journals such as Vietnamese journals and Nursing Education Today journal, The Thai Journal of Surgecal, British Journal of Nursing and contributed presentations in: scientific conference in Barcelona, Spain in 2011; Nursing conference on wound care in 2014 in UK; World Congress on Nursing in 2015, Dubai, UAE; American Professional Wound Care Association 2016 Conference in Philadelphia, US.