Dr. Michael Greco, PhD, DNP, CRNA
Northwell Health System, New York, NY USA
Michael Greco received his BS from Nuiagara University, his Masters in Nurse Anesthesia from SUNY Health Science Crnter of New York, his DNP from the the Unviersity of Alabama, and his PhD from Barry University in Miami, FL. Michael presently holds a position as Director of Nurse Anesthesia Practice for the Northwell Health System in Nw York. He is a former director of the Nurse Anesthesia Program at Columbia University in New York City and is presently chairing the national professional development committee for the American Assication of Nurse Anestheitsts. Michael has presented and lectured on a local, state, national, and international levels on nursing and nurse anesthesia. He has recently completed a resarch study on Doctors of Nursing practice and their pursuit to futher their doctoral studies.